Thank You

We appreciate your generous support

Dear Donor,

Thank you so much for your generous donation! By choosing to donate to The Future Is Now Uganda Orphanage, you are choosing an organization where 100% of your money (minus the minimal fees of international currency conversion and PayPal) goes to the children. None of your money pays a salary for anyone in the organization because we are all volunteers.

At the moment, your general donation money will support the children’s greatest immediate need until we receive sponsorship for all of them. Once they are all sponsored then general donations will go to improve the orphanage, its buildings, furnishings, transportation and other material things that the children need that don’t fall under the dome of sponsorship.

Your generosity also will help Gulu, Uganda. Post-war torn Gulu was ravaged by the LRA for over 20 years, and all of its inhabitants were either killed, kidnapped or moved into mandatory camps until the late 2000s. As these communities are rebuilding, your sponsorship will help us support local businesses and the economy in Gulu. Together we will greatly improve many lives and give hope for the future.

If you would like to see how your money was spent, please check back for our regular blog updates, sign up for our newsletter or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. We always like to hear from you. Email us at for more information or to give us your feedback.

Thank you again for your kind donation to benefit our orphaned children.